Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm Done Being Politically Correct

Being a recovering alcoholic/addict in the recovery program ETA, I have been taught to be honest and less selfish. I've been taught to consider other people and see what I can contribute to the world. My sponsor has worked tirelessly to help me change my attitude from, "what's in it for ME?" to "what can I do for YOU?" Since I want to stay clean and sober, I am to practice these principles in all of my affairs. (I told my sponsor that I'm happily married so I don't have affairs. She sent me to the dictionary.)

My sponsor told me that I can't give away what I don't have and that I needed to put my own house in order before I could help anybody else. Then she really opened the gates and said I should look about me and see how much havoc, pain and violence is caused by people practicing selfishness, dishonesty - which includes stealing, lying and telling partial truths.

Consequently, I have been paying attention to politics. Politicians have proven to be the "One-Stop-Shopping Center" for information on how much trouble can be stirred up by practicing dishonesty, selfishness, being inconsiderate, giving away what you don't have and the "My way, or the highway!" approach to life. What a lesson this has been!! I have sure learned a lot, especially in the last couple of years.

I have now decided to reject all things political; including political correctness. From here on out I will be called short, not vertically challenged. I'm an alcoholic, not a substance abuser. If there is a ball game, the team with the most points is the winner and the team with the least points is the loser. I'm going to call them janitors instead of environmental service representatives. I go to a doctor, not a health care provider. If someone speaks a language other than English around me, I'm going to offer to teach them how to speak English. I'm not going to defend their right to remain ignorant, nor will I reward them for it.

In this country, we are granted the chance to PURSUE happiness. That means each person is going to have to work for it. All men are CREATED equal. What a person becomes after that, is up to each individual. I have discovered that I don't want to live life cloaked in half truths and dancing around reality. I tried that already and it damn near killed me. Therefore, I'm done with wanting to be political, including politically correct. I will practice honesty, being of service to my fellow man and being true to myself. I will pray, that's right, pray; to the old HP, in and out of church, silently and out loud, for those who do not practice these principles. Because I think political correctness is just bullshit no matter what words it's wrapped up in.

Have a good and sober day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is taxing to try to be politically correct about everything. Nonetheless, I am glad that women are mentioned more in jobs and that there are sensitive ways to refer to people of color.
