Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Decision vs. Resolution

(To the tune of an irritating Christmas carol) On the last day of August, my sponsor said to me : Post about the resolutions/decisions!

I know it doesn't rhyme and my sponsor said/sang nothing of the sort, but I couldn't resist the thought once it came into my head. The part about the topic of this post, however, is accurate. It relates to a passage in the Big Book of "Alcoholics Anonymous", stated in "The Doctor's Opinion". I don't know the page number; you'll have to read the segment yourself. It says something like: "...They pass through the well known stages of a spree, emerging over remorseful with a firm resolution to never drink again. They make many resolutions but never a decision..."

A resolution is a stated goal; some desired outcome one wishes to achieve, usually through determination and/or sheer force of the will. No logical plan of action to achieve the goal is established. A typical resolution, such as a New Years resolution, might be stated as such: I am going to lose 50 pounds by March 1. I'm going to cut all fat from my diet, refuse all sugar, drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water each day, exercise 2 hours a day and walk or ride a bicycle if I want to go somewhere less than 5 miles away.

Right from the start this plan is preposterous. There is no logic; to believe this goal is achievable is insane. Nobody can maintain all the restrictions imposed with this resolution.

A decision, on the other hand, establishes an achievable goal that includes a logical plan of action to follow in order to reach the desired goal. A typical decision might be stated as such: I am going to quit boozing and using. I will attend ETA (or some other 12 step program) meetings every day. I will get a sponsor and work the steps as my sponsor directs me. I will read recovery literature every day. I will learn how to find a Power greater than myself. I will talk with another recovering person every day. I will get the telephone numbers of the recovering people in the meetings I attend. I will take lessons on how to use the telephone if I find myself unable/unwilling to make phone calls.

This decision has a complete, logical plan to follow in order to achieve and maintain contented sobriety. The people who make this decision and follow through with the plan of action will stay clean and sober. The alcoholic/drug addicted people who make a resolution (I'm going to stop boozing and using. I'm just not going to do that ever again. I'm just not!) don't have a chance.

Have a good and sober day.


  1. OK I have tried several times to post a comment about this. So this time I will go a-nony-moose and see what happens. See, I made a decision because the resolution wasn't working! Love it!

  2. I can't recall a "resolution" that EVER worked for me - ESPECIALLY ones I make (to myself) over and over and over again about drinking! Yep - gotta have plan.

  3. Nailed it, again, sns :)

  4. Thanks for the comments; especially the one from the moose. I would never have thought wild animals, at least those with 4 legs, read the blog! Love you all.

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