Monday, May 7, 2012

Sponsor To The Rescue

Once upon a time, in a land pretty dang close to here, there was a beautiful (witty, charming, brilliant) alcoholic female who was in recovery.  She had been in recovery for several years and had worked all 12 steps with her sponsor.  Having been clean and sober for several years she knew the importance of remaining connected to her sponsor.  Nevertheless, this delightful woman was still an alcoholic and, occasionally, still entertained alcoholic thoughts that she sometimes acted upon.  

In this story, the pigeon accidentally bit off more that she could chew.  She had several commitments to ETA meetings and fellow ETA members as well as several pigeons of her own.  The delightful alcoholic woman did not have employment outside the home and felt that, because of this, she ought to be available to many recovering people.  This worked out well until her normally brilliant mind crashed into alcoholic thinking without her even noticing.  These new thoughts seemed rational so the alkie acted upon them without any input from her sponsor.  She also didn't discuss her plans with any of her ETA friends.

Much to her surprise, our heroine (NOT heroin!) soon landed in a world of hurt.  Overloaded with commitment,  struggling to meet responsibilities plus having no quiet time soon extrapolated her stress levels while simultaneously depleting any serenity she may have had stockpiled.  Unable to figure out why she couldn't fit 29.3 hours into a 24 hour day, she called her sponsor to whine about how bad life was treating her.  

Oddly enough, her sponsor was able to see the problem clearly.  After observing that the pigeon was trying to run the show (pg. 60 Alcoholics Anonymous) and that her troubles were of her own making (pg. 62); life was blameless, the sponsor strongly suggested taking a few items off the insane schedule.  The sponsor (trying to be of maximum service, I'm sure) also indicated which things had to be removed. The pigeon, being obedient (almost to a fault), promptly put the new plan of action into practical application at once and was all set to live happily ever after.  Except for one thing.  The sponsor had not bitten off more than she could chew so she proceeded to chew the pigeon's ass.  The End.

Have a good and sober day.

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