When working with newcomers, I frequently hear some variation of the following conversation:
Me: Did you go to a meeting today?
Newcomer: No.
Me: Why not?
Newcomer: I went to one 5 days ago.
Me: Uh... Have you heard about 90 meetings in 90 days?
Newcomer: Yeah, but I haven't felt like drinking.
Me: Usually we attend ETA meetings to avoid the obsession to booze and use, not treat those feelings.
Newcomer: I've been spending time with people who don't drink so I'm okay.
Me: Do you get dirty when you are in bed sleeping at night?
Newcomer: No.
Me: Let's say that you are confined to bed for 5 days. Do you feel the need for a bath or shower before the 5 days is up?
Newcomer: Well, yes, of course.
Me: How come? You are in a clean bed. If you are confined to bed because you are sick, you are probably going to be cared for, and/or visited by, people that have bathed, right? Using your logic for not attending meetings for 5 days, yet expecting to stay clean and sober by hanging out with non-drinkers, or, because you don't feel like boozing or using right this very minute!! is about as sane as thinking you don't need to bathe if you haven't been anywhere to get dirty.
I love the way you are able to put things into perspective!