Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sober Crochet

Today I taught one of my pigeons how to crochet; perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I began teaching her. It occurred to me how much needlework is like sobriety. We just went over making a chain and one other simple stitch, nothing fancy. I've been crocheting for a few 24 hours and I still have trouble with the fancy or complicated stuff.

In the recovery program ETA, we are taught to take it One Day At A Time, which is similar to focusing only on the stitch you are working right now. There are little glitches that happen in anything we are building and, with experience, we can recognize which things we can patch up and which things we have to tear out and re-do. This is also how I progressed through some of the steps: not having to do everything perfectly and being willing to go back for a bit more work on the previous step if I find I can't build on the work I already did.

The gal I was teaching, Barbie, needed guidance and encouragement for every single movement she made at first, but she caught on quickly and became a bit more independent as we went along. She still wanted me to be right there in the same room just in case she made a mistake. Kind of like early sobriety, when I was almost afraid to be alone lest I get struck drunk. Sometimes, before ETA, I'd quit boozing and using and then find myself drunk, having no idea how that had happened! Having another sober alcoholic around was comforting. They could keep an eye on me and make sure that didn't happen.

Barbie is going to put lots of single stitches together and before you know it, she will have a pattern that is recognizable and the promise of a beautiful result. Rather like sober living. As the days all build upon each other, a beautiful pattern emerges. Any little glitches that are obvious are just part of what makes it all yours.

Have a good and sober day.


  1. When I first got sober (and quit smoking) I started knitting so I could have something to do with my hands- it was really helpful. One of the long-timers who helped me learn would say, "just focus on the next right indicated stitch!" LOL

  2. Nice analogy. I like that there might be glitches but overall the result is beautiful.
