Friday, February 4, 2011

HP On The Beach

I'm hiding out in Florida while the ice/blizzard is creating havoc at home. Of course, I've spent time at the beach and gotten a tad sunburned, but this only makes it possible to continue to rub it in when I get home...

There was a time when I went to California several times a year to spend time visiting with the old HP while sitting on the beach. I've not done that for about 3 years now. I knew I missed the ocean, but I was unaware how much. When I arrived at the beach a few days ago, the vibrant spiritual connection I've always experienced from the ocean slammed into me before I even stepped onto the sand. I could actually feel it in my chest!

So much has been happening these past few months; struggles with family and friends, health issues, etc. These clamors of daily life tend to create distance between the old HP and me. I still pray and meditate, still seek to know and do His will but it gets hard to hear Him over the noise of living.

The reason I came to Florida was to help my sister with her terminally ill husband. Being asked to be of service to others is one of the greatest benefits of getting clean and sober; having people want me around and relying on me to keep my word. These are the things that are true when I am sober. They are gifts from my old HP.

Yes, I am enjoying the weather. But in helping others, in easing the responsibilities of those I love, I have rediscovered my God and the joy my soul feels when we are wrapped up in each other.

Have a good and sober day.

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