Came to believe that the old HP could restore me to sanity.
Sounds great doesn't it? I know that the first time I worked step 2 I didn't believe I was not sane but my sponsor wanted me to say so, so I did. It wasn't until I was sponsoring others that I realized most alcoholics and drug addicts, myself included, had no clear understanding of what sanity means. We have a vague, nebulous grasp of the concept of sanity but that's about it. Seriously! Ask one of us what sanity means and, chances are, we'll tell you what it is not, but most of us can't tell you what it is.
Armed with this lack of knowledge, we go ahead and ask the old HP to restore us to something we won't even recognize when we get there! Are we fun or what? I don't know about you but, after completing the above process, I would blame the old HP if I wasn't at complete peace with whatever I had consulted Him about in the first place. He had to be laughing His head off at this. Either that or calling for one of His angels to bring Him my file to so He can verify that I do have a brain even if I wasn't using it.
There are many definitions of sanity for each one of us. Most of my definitions reflect a defect of my character. For example: I tend to over or under react to situations. Here are a couple of definitions of sanity for me:
Sanity is putting the appropriate amount of emotion to any given situation.
If I make a mistake, chances are that the world will survive, others will still speak to me and nothing will be unable to be repaired. I can drive myself crazy blowing things out of proportion. On the other hand, if someone hurts my feelings, I can spend hours and hours telling myself it's no big deal, that it doesn't matter, etc., when it does matter and it is a big deal for me. When I talk things over with the old HP I gain the proper perspective.
Sanity is knowing it is impossible to make everyone happy in all situations.
Trying to make sure everybody is happy with whatever is happening is another way for me to drive myself crazy. When I go there, it usually ends up with nobody being happy and I'm so frustrated by the situation I start yelling at all parties involved. Then I have to make amends! And THEY started it! If I check in with the old HP when I find myself getting agitated I can avoid the whole thing.
Sanity is knowing that everyone has their own truths and their own abilities.
Just because something is true for me (I am comfortable in this particular meeting.) does not mean it is true for everyone. Just because something is easy for me (public speaking or giving a lead) does not mean it is easy for everyone. I have caused a lot of heartache by disregarding these things. When I'm tempted to tell someone "Oh, get over it! All you have to do is...", I ask the old HP to remind me how harmful these words can be.
These are some definitions of sanity that work for me. Other people have different definitions that work for them. The important thing is knowing what sanity means for you, for yourself.
Have a good and sober day.
Sanity for me is knowing that the judge, attorneys, and court staff are not going to jump out from behind the jury box to yell, "surprise, you're off the hook," because I have a court date on my birthday.
ReplyDeleteohhh yuck! Best of luck and let me know what happens.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Danny here: Hmmmmm..I tought finding and recognizing our insanity was the 2nd part of step 1(More about Alcoholism). I have read the Bob wanted to make the 1st step read "We were powerless over alcohol, and we had become insane" but it was pointed out to him that the insane don't know that and nobody would have stuck around because they would be offended if called insane as they walked in the they made it the way it stands today. Reading the chapter referenced you will find nothing about be unmanageable but alot on insane actions and thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThat being said..the 2nd step is about the search for a HP and finding faith in his/her/it's healing powers to releive us of those insane actions: that's it period. We have already accepted that we are insane in step 1 and will find what sanity is by doing steps 4 - 12..that is if we do step 2 and find that HP and faith and step 3 by putting our trust in our HP. Step 2 has nothing to do with defining what sanity is because we are still insane at this point and need our HPs help.
Thanks for your comments. Good to hear from you!