Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Since It Is True For Me...

It seams that many of my friends in ETA have been having some difficulties with essentially the same problem so that it what today's post will be about.  This is actually one of my character defects, too.  If something is true for me, it is true for everyone.  I cannot tell you how much harm this attitude has caused, to myself and to those around me.  It goes like this:

I enjoy public speaking and am fairly good at public speaking.  Since this is true for me, that means everybody is fairly good at and enjoys public speaking.  Those who profess to be terrified at even the thought of giving a speech (a lead, telling their story) are either liars or have never tried it.  Can you see where this might be harmful to someone or damaging to a friendship?  Or this example:

I believe that all mothers should stay at home with a new baby for at least six months.  That is what was right for my family, so that is what is right for all families.  Believing this naturally segues into judgement, and gives me the right (delusional) to make snide comments about those who don't do exactly as I did.  

But the example that has stirred up the most fecal matter is:  I attend ETA meetings because I am trying to stay clean and sober and I'm trying to adopt the ideals of behavior outlined in the recovery program.  Because this is true for me, it must be true for everyone that attends ETA meetings.  I am trying to live honestly today so I jump to the conclusion that Barbie is trying to live honestly and I ask her to watch over my wallet while I go to the bathroom.  Since I'm the group's treasurer, the group's money is in there.  See where this might go?  Or,  I'm trying to increase my spiritual connection so everybody is trying to increase their spiritual connection.  Including Ken, who is a newcomer and hasn't established a rapport with his Higher Power, but I blabber on and on essentially cramming God down his throat.  That always makes newcomers feel welcome, don't you think?

So I ask the old HP to help me allow each person their own identity, that I don't completely disregard the right of individuality all people deserve and that I don't fall into judging others by my truths but to be tolerant of what might be truth for another and love them anyway.

Have a good and sober day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't be too hard on yourself! "Progress not perfection," right? :) Thanks for checking in. I'm well and I miss my blog, too. I went back to school about a year ago and wouldn'tyaknow it takes a lot of time! I appreciate your stopping by to say "hello," though, and I'm glad I popped over here. It's always a pleasure to read your thoughts on recovery!
