Monday, March 26, 2012


I went to an ETA meeting recently and someone brought the topic: Reservations.  Naturally, I want to make a smart mouth comment about cooking, or the lack thereof, but I quickly realized that this guy was serious and refrained. Sigh...

What he was asking about was having reservations admitting he was an alcoholic.  I instantly thought of the first paragraph of 'We Agnostics' in the big book of AA.  That is the only place in the first 164 pages (which contains the program AA) where the term alcoholic is defined.  'The doctor's opinion' contains a description of alcoholics (for all you sticklers out there) but is not, technically, part of the AA program.

The meeting was rather well attended and while listening to the others before me I was struck by a thought.  Almost always when a topic is announced I silently pray: God, please let your words be in my mouth and in my ears.  Anything profound that comes to me comes from God.  I'm an alcoholic/addict; we aren't known for "profound".

Anyways, here is what occurred to me:

If I have reservations about drinking, I am saving my seat in recovery.
If I have reservations about recovery, I'm essentially pouring my next drunk.  (I don't ever pour a drink.)

Have a good and sober day.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts on the reservations that you have and the one that you don't.
