Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friend In Crisis

This morning finds me at the hospital. I was here until late last night and am back at it. I am with a friend, Barbie, whose husband is in ICU and we all fear that he won't make it. Things look pretty grave and the docs aren't offering much encouragement.

This was not covered in sponsor training. I'm just fumbling along, trying to be supportive; listening when Barbie wants to talk and being quiet when she doesn't. Of course, I've invited the old HP to be here with us and I know He is here. I'm hoping that Barbie can also feel His presence. It is easy to say that the old HP is found everywhere, is constant Love and has all power. It is much harder to know those things when in the midst of crisis and afraid of losing someone you can't imagine living without. I have no idea what to do in this situation other than to be still, be quiet and know that I'm not God. I can't tell you how grateful I am to know that today!

Still, the old HP has found ways to let us know He is here. The urge to panic at my own inadequacy to assist someone else during such a nightmare was quieted a bit when I saw a T-shirt that said: "WWJD? What would Jesus do?" Thanks to you and the fellowship of ETA, I am sober and willing to be of maximum service to my fellow man. I believe that Jesus would just offer whatever comfort possible, and because all of you showed me how to be present in the day as well as to be a productive member of society I can. Thank you.

Have a good and sober day.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your sponsee's husband. Hope all's well with you.

  2. Sometimes just being present is enough. And having an ear and a shoulder to cry on. Glad that you are there. Hope that her husband will not die. That is very sad.
