Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Step Twelve

Step twelve of the program ETA, a recovery program for those with alcoholic and drug addiction, states: "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice the principles in all of our affairs." Well, that's all fine and dandy and makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I'm sure. But I've been to a few meetings where 'practice the ETA principles' was the topic for discussion and most people don't even know what the principles are! (This does not seem to dissuade anyone from talking about said principles, however.) How can someone practice principles that they haven't identified? I do know how someone in an ETA meeting can discuss something they know nothing about - we are alcoholics and addicts, after all. Lack of knowledge never prevented me from voicing an opinion about anything. I'm sure you have never even considered doing such a thing...

Moving right along. Here are the principles of ETA: (*warning: some principles contain foul language.)

Honesty: Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Get help from God.

Hope: This would be the feeling that sobriety might be possible, not hope every problem just goes away on it's own.

Action: This means you will have to do something besides just sit around and think about stuff.

Courage: Not to be confused with bluster, posturing and/or bullying.

Integrity: Here is some of the foul language I warned about earlier. You gotta do what's right because it is what is right, not because someone is watching.

Willingness: Who hasn't had their sponsor cram this one down their throat?

Humility: Knowing what is true bout you and what is not. Claiming your strengths and your weaknesses.

Surrender: Another bad word until you understand that it means to quit fighting, as opposed to having someone or something conquer you.

Self Discipline: There is more foul language in these principles than I thought! We gotta control our impulsiveness! Where is the fun in that?!

Perseverance: Keep plugging along until the race (your life) is over, not just until you don't feel like doing so anymore.

Spiritual Awareness: This is almost as much about knowing how to feed your own spirit as it is about establishing a relationship with the old HP, Spirit of the Universe, God or whatever you call the Power greater than yourself.

Service: We provide service to others as opposed to trying to make others into our servants. What others need comes before what we want.

And, yes, 'practice these principles in all our affairs' applies to you even if you are in a monogamous relationship, in no relationship and/or aren't having an affair.

Have a good and sober day.

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